I do promise that I have tried to write and post and entertain you. I’ve got three half written blog post saved to my computer just waiting for their moment to shine and be today’s new post. But, as I was trying to explain to New Friend A last night, half way through the writing process I would start reading them and they just didn’t seem funny to me. I was trying to force the funny, and you can’t force funny just watch any new episode of SNL.
So, I’ve decided to open up a little secret corner of my world and let y’all in.
My iPhone’s Photo Album
Photo #1: Topo Chicos
Boyfriend has become obsessed with the Mexican fizzy water called Topo Chico. Two weekends ago we decided to take a little trip up to the Domain (our snazzy outdoor shopping mall) to look at a few furniture stores because OMFG I’m 26 and should be resting my weary behind on a plush couch every night and not a second hand futon I got for free from my sister’s best friend when I was 18. Just saying… Anyway, Boyfriend and I are driving up the highway and out of nowhere he crosses two lanes just to make this one exit which it so not the right exit for our final furniture destination. He points to a Shell station and says he wants to get a snack. We stop, he leaves the car, enters the store, and two minutes later returns to the car letting me know we have to find another gas station because they didn’t have what he was looking for.
Neither did the next place.
Nor the stop after that.
Finally he found what he was looking for, Topo Chico sparkling water. It’s gross. It now takes up a forth of my refrigerator because he buys it in bulk at our local grocery store that’s just around the corner.

I wanted to show a large photo of the bottle so you can see the little Mexican girl drinking from the Topo Chico river of awesomeness… yeah, she’s drinking that yummy completely natural SPARKLING water straight from Mother Nature. I call BS on you Topo Chico!
Photo #2: iBottle Opener
The University line isn’t available to buy online yet, but as soon as it is you know the Longhorn one will be mine. I mean I could drive the .6 miles to the actual campus and go to a bookstore a just pick one up, but that would require actual work on my part instead of just clicking a few buttons. Maybe I did catch that lazy bug after all…
Photo #3: Real Live Chanel Shoes
Another Photo from that Baton Rouge trip these are Lil Blount’s real live Chanel shoes she wore to the Ball. Yeah, Chanel… to the ball. AWEOSME! The fact that she let me try them on, even awesome-r!
Photo #4: George Michael’s First Piece of Jewelry
It would look perfect on him…
Or him…
Or him…
Photo #5: Socks
Boyfriend finally got some of his own thick, wooly, soft as angel wings and puppy ears socks, so he doesn’t have to wear mine. Thank you Christmas gift buying people that read my blog.
So many thoughts Lemon! Welcome back, we all get laziness (err, writer's block). I get it very often. Here are my thoughts...
ReplyDelete1-new SNL does suck. Big time.
2-I must confess, the thing I noticed first in the pics is your awesome nail polish choices. Great job LL.
2-natural sparkling spring water? Total bs. And bf should keep 1-2 bottles in fridge and replace them as he finishes the cold ones, as not to take up 1/4 of said fridge.
4-awesome phone case. I prefer online ordering too.
5-George Michaels's tag? Awesome awesomeness. Can you send me the etsy seller so I can get one for Bailey? He suddenly seems under dressed.
5.5-all the possible george michael's are beyond adorable. I can't wait until you can bring him home!
6- so glad bf has his own socks, now he can't stretch yours out with his large, hairy man feet. (No offense bf, I say the same thing about my bf. You guys just can't help it.)
Lastly, as I told you before, I adore those shoes. And we are getting a new couch too, as we are now grown ups
Sweet puppies <3
ReplyDeleteBoyfriend's hairy legs? Weird. lol.
Where do I start as I have missed reading about your life since I don't have one!...tell brother San Pellagrino is the best...not what he is drinking...I like it because it calms my stomach...it rocks. I also like to make faux mimosa's...Braum's OJ and the sparkling water!
ReplyDeleteSeriously loving and coveting the shoes...I really want new shoes and a new puppy after reading this edition...GM is so cute...I have already purchased him things from market in NYC and I cannot wait to get them.
I am okay to wait for the post as you are thoughtful in your writings and won't just churn out crap...I can wait for the good stuff!
I will try and find more fuzzy socks!
Keep George Michael away from the new couch!!!
ReplyDeleteI love Great Danes. Super excited for you. AND awesome. I wanted to name our puppy #2 Lucille (Bluth if brown&white and Ostero if black&white-she's a border collie). We even called her Lucy before we brought her home...until Santos vetoed and named her Bailey. I guess it's okay...I got to name puppy #1. :)
Yay for puppies!
That was supposed to say "AND awesome name." :)
ReplyDeleteNew Friend A's puppy's name is Bailey... its a good name