Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back From The Dead: My Bad...

I’m sorry.

There I said it. I’m sorry for being MIA for so long. I know you don’t want excuses, so I promise to put them in blog posts starting today.

This morning my car was stolen.

Now, don’t you feel bad for wishing mean thought on me every time you hit up LemonsLemonsLemons and found no new posts?

What stresses me out the most about this whole bizarre kidnapping of my 2009 Mazda Tribute is the thought of maybe having to buy a new car. I don’t want a new car. I like my car. Her name is Yolanda and she is perfect for me and I don’t want to have to name a new vehicle. Her predecessor was my 2005 Mazda 3 (color = winning blue) was totaled in a hail storm. I didn’t want to have to buy a new car then, either.

On top of my car being stolen, George Michael hasn’t been feeling well. So not only are Boyfriend and I new parents, but we are completely clueless new parents. Boyfriend has been amazing though. I wish I had the energy today to write a long drawn out blog post about how when I put the dog to sleep he cries and cries and cries, but as soon as Boyfriend gets on his knees in front of George Michael’s kennel our sweet, adorable puppy comes back and Boyfriend slowly talks and pets him to sleep. Last night he was especially hyper because he hadn’t been feeling well until about 5PM that night so he slept ALL DAY meaning he wanted to play ALL NIGHT. At 1AM when he still wanted to play and was particularly angry about being shoved into his cage by yours truly because I just wanted to go to bed already, Boyfriend calmed him down by talking to him about all the family members who were super excited to meet him and how he and I had wanted him for so long and all the fun places we would take him when he got older. I love them both so much, but Boyfriend just a little bit more… just a little.

This post is meant to ease me back into writing and posting and making you laugh (although not much funny has been happening). I promise not to drop the ball again. Oh, and I promise to write this week about short time up at Sister’s house and want I think about my 2 and a half year old nephew…

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about GM. I hope he feels better, you get some sleep, and find your car intact very quickly. As for him crying, does he play in his kennel during the day? Maybe putting toys in it and playing with him in hit during the day will help him see it as a fun place to be, not where he goes when you're separating from him. We had Bailey play in his with us (we weren't in it, but sticking our head in the door) and gave him treats whenever he went in it. He ended up seeing it as his own little house/bed. It breaks your heart when they cry. And that's as awesome bf you have...but you know that already
