This is a huge deal! Seriously this is a giant accomplishment in my life. Never, since I was in 6th grade and started my very first journal have I ever actually finished a journal from cover to cover. I know and I call myself a writer… So last night was monumental. I have a whole stack of journals and diaries I’ve started and never finished. I long to be like my sister and have a huge shelf in my house that is lined with my written words. That goal is right up there with publishing a book in my eyes and my goals in life. Honestly, I believe that my inability to finish a journal has kept me going with this blog. I don’t want it to fail the way so many journals of my past have. The fun thing about this blog is I get to write so much that I would never have put in a journal. I mean there was absolutely no reason to write down the most horrible, most awkward, most embarrassing story of my life in my journal because only I was going to read it. I don’t need a written reminder of that story. I will be on my death bed and a tiny voice will appear and say,
“Elaine… Elaine…”
“What? Who’s there? Is that Jesus?”
“No, it is just you… talking to yourself.”
“You are about to die. You are about to leave this world. You have lived to be 102. Don’t forget that time you kicked your doctor in the face causing her nose to bleed and her dog to go crazy. Bye, bye.”
“Oh, that was awkw…”
And then I’ll die. I’ll die not thinking about my long happy life or my family or counting my blessings, but I’ll die thinking how absolutely awkward I am. Just like on this blog I try not to write about my job and its details (as I don’t want to be fired) and my everyday life, except when it comes to breakfast tacos.
In honor of my accomplishment I am going to buy me something. Well, okay not buy, but lust over some things…
1. Marc Jacobs Classic Q Hillier Hobo Handbag

Seriously I want my babies to come out of me looking this good. I adore Marc’s Handbags, but this one is the crème de la crème. It’s the cat’s meow. It is the bag that when I see it in Nordstroms angels sings and lights shine down from Heaven. I really, really want it. It’s made out of the most amazing, soft pebbled leather… like butter (butta). Although it comes in lots of different colors (usually three new colors a season) I love the classic black or there is a gun metal grey from a few seasons ago I wouldn’t pass up either. There is a quote from Confessions Of A Shoppoholic (which I only bought on iTunes because I had a car ride and needed an easy listen – yeah I’m a book snob, what?) where the main chick is talking about how one day she took all of her shoes out of her closet, lined them up, and took a picture. She didn’t think it was weird because she absolutely loves her shoes, yet has no pictures of them, and on the other hand has loads of pictures of people she doesn’t really even like. If I owned this bag I would take pictures of it everywhere. Date night with Boyfriend – picture of my bag with yummy food. Vacation – bag next to Grand Canyon or Empire State Building. Oh, and they would be framed.
2. Boscia Mask

This is for killing two birds with one stone. First it helps your skin look clear, smooth, and gorgeous. Secondly, it might be the most fun thing ever. Okay, (and I might just be embarrassing myself here) but did you guys ever in elementary school put Elmer’s Glue on your hands just so it would dry and then you could peel it off in one big piece of glue skin? Okay, I did and I loved it. Peeling glue off my skin was like my crack. I needed that high, that feeling of cold glue skin being freed from my real skin. The feeling of peeling off the glue was the best part and that is why this mask is so freaking cool. When you put it on your face it’s all thick and tar–ish like. Then it hardens and you can peel the entire thing off in just one pull. (Like this girl is doing in a picture she posted on her Facebook page. Let this be a lesson to us all, once you put a photo on Facebook it is no longer yours and anyone can get to them. This poor girl has no idea she is modeling for my prestigious blog.)

3. Frye Jane Tall Boots

These are the boots I want for this fall/winter. They are perfect for a few reasons. First they are tall. I hate short boots with a passion. I don’t understand why someone would buy short boots when they could buy tall boots and be able to wear them with double the outfits. Tall boots can be worn under pants and jeans AND with skirts and dresses AND over jeans. Why buy a boot that is just for under pants? Oh, and I’m not talking about booties. Booties are a whole other problem and issue. What girl in her right mind (and this is excluding models and anyone over 5’10) would want a boot that cuts her off at her ankle. She might as well wear a sign around her neck saying, “Hi there. I hate my legs and want to look short and stumpy.” Second reason why these boots rock my world, the color. I love grey for fall. It is a great neutral that can work with brown or black. Last but not least, I like that they aren’t to “tough” looking but also aren’t “girly girly” They would be great over skinny jeans and still look cute with a sweater dress. I’m sold.
4. Voluspa Baltic Amber Candle

Boyfriend likes this scent because Amber is a large export of Poland and Boyfriend is Polish. I like this candle because it smells really good. Boyfriend likes to burn candles because his family burns a lot of candles. I like to burn candles because we never ever burned candles in my family. Boyfriend and I go through a lot of candles and this one is probably the most popular in our household.
5. Frieda and Nellie Bracelet

I saw these in a magazine about a year ago and ever since then I’ve totally wanted one. These two girls were friends growing up and always made friendship bracelets. Then when they got older they started this business of making the same bracelets they used to make but with vintage jewelry and crystals. OMG, why can’t I think of things like this? They are so beautiful, and I want like ten. This makes me want to mix pretty vintage jewelry with anything and everything. Vintage crystals and Tupperware? I’d buy some. Jewels and bathmats? Sure, why not.
6. Extra Large Moleskin Notebook (blank pages)

I finished my first one and now I need a second. I’m so proud of myself.
Although I didn’t write anything after I sat down and made myself all comfy on the futon, I spent the time instead looking back of what I thought I wrote well and what I just slapped together on a page. I came across a few things I’d like to show you.
Okay, I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow and I’m thinking about bangs? Bangs kinda like these.
What do y’all think?
After rereading my journal this was definitely my favorite piece.