And I quote…
“Seriously … Not sure if u r watching dwts but totally want Rick fox… Blog it baby”
End quote.
Now you’re reaction is probably a lot like mine was at 10:37 at night.
So I wrote back…
“Rick fox? Who is Rick fox?”
Her response…
“Former Bball player… watch him dance… OMG. He is light skin Mexican like u haha… Jk… Brother moves well… It helps that I have had a bottle of wine.”
A: I didn’t know if Bball meant baseball or basketball.
B: I love any girl who uses “…” as much as I do.
C: I’M NOT A MEXICAN!!! (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
D: “It helps that I have had a bottle of wine” (There it is.)
So, I have decided to help Boyfriend’s Sister out and see if she and Rick Fox are compatible.
Things I Know About Boyfriend’s Sister…
1. She loves her dogs. As in she takes them to Day Care, stands by their dishes to make sure they eat enough or not too much, and pays for doggy hip surgery.
2. She is Catholic, and not like Boyfriend is Catholic, but really Catholic. This means she actually goes to Church and doesn’t eat meat on Fridays.
3. She likes pretty clothes and pretty shoes. She and Boyfriend’s mom bought a YSL (I think it’s YSL) gorgeous car coat that I eye fuck every time I go to their house. She also has a damn nice designer shoe collection and a foot that is only a tiny bit bigger than mine. My favorites are some brown Dior heels she lets me try on every now and then.
4. She has a Texas accent and says the word “TeeTee” for go to the bathroom.
5. Girl loves her some cocktails!
Thing I Now Know About Rick Fox after Some Google Help…
1. He’s Canadian.
2. Was married to Vanessa Williams and is now dating Eliza Dushku.
3. Has a younger sister, Jeanene Fox, famous for her sarcastic role as "La Filippona" on the prime-time Italian Television Show "Striscia la notizia"
4. His breakout TV role was being on the HBO series “Oz”.
5. He played basketball with the Boston Celtics and the Las Angeles Lakers.
Okay let’s compare…
He was married, so he can commit.
But he got divorced which I hear is kinda a no no in the Catholic Church.
He is from Canada and she is from Texas. It’s like they are both from foreign countries.
But he is Canadian.
He has a younger sister, who stars in an Italian TV Show, yet her name is (and I’m guessing because I didn’t take Italian in college like Boyfriend) “The Pilipino” and Boyfriend’s sister has Boyfriend as a younger sibling who stars on my blog.
But she will never be as cool or bad ass as Boyfriend.
He played basketball with two very successful NBA teams.
But those teams were the Celtics and Lakers.
Now that we see they will have a few things to talk about on date number 1, let’s get shallow…
This is Rick Fox on his official website.

The man is not unfortunate looking. In fact, he is looking like a sexy Mexican George Clooney. (Except he isn’t Mexican, but Canadian/Italian and Bahamian.) The grey is a nice look.
This is Boyfriend's Sister with Boyfriend. (Photo by yours truly)
Match made in Heaven. I should be on that TV Show with that crazy Jewish chick who claims to have set up millions of millionairs with there gold digging wives, but can't find a man for herself. So, if anyone is close personal friends with Rick Fox please let me know so I can make this happen. Thanks and Boyfriend's Sister says thanks, too.
I about wet my pants when I read this...I do love the way Rick Fox moves. I like the factoids about my DWTS boyfriend as I knew none of this...I hope he makes it another week! We will see tonight. I wonder if I will like him as much without all the red wine? I will test that theory tonight! Or not...Love, Betty