The designers meet Tim in a large loft and learn that they must create a look that is their own take on Classic American Sportswear, and use Jackie Kennedy as their inspiration and muse. So pretty much take Jackie O and update her for 2010. Awesome! What is today’s version of the Pill Box Hat? Christopher decides he is going to make a fantastic dress because it’s Jackie O and a runway, not because he is on a national television show and he wants to get to Fashion Week and win, duh. Andy is going to make Jackie Asian, because what doesn’t say CLASSIC AMERICAN sportswear, than something Asian.
Every week my love for Mondo grows and grows. This week he is back to tip toeing around the store and listening to the bolts of fabric.
Gretchen is back to being her annoying self and “helping” all the other designers with their designs. Mean while, she is making a top that looks like a noose, and is concerned about Mondo’s look. STAY AWAY FROM MY MONDO!!!
All the designers think that Gay Michael is the funny one, now that Casanova is gone and he doesn’t have to complete with a foreigner with a funny accent. Oh, and he is making “expensive sportswear that isn’t really sportswear” and a skirt that takes inspiration from The Crucible. FYI: Jackie O would not wear Goth. Thanks Gretchen and Valerie, that really clears a lot up for me. Speaking of Valerie, her new strategy is to just ask Tim Gun every question under the sun and maybe then he will just tell her exactly how to make her outfit to the judges liking.
Tim Visit!!!
Straight Michael has already made two dresses by the time Tim walks around the room, and he isn’t impressed by either. In fact, now that Casanova is gone, Straight Michael seems to being making a Donna Karen dress! (Poor Donna Karen has gotten a horrible rap from this show.) Okay, Andy is making cargo pant/short things for Jackie O. Gay Michael’s skirt is still very “Crucible” and he is worries because he doesn’t want it to look “like she collects rulers and beats children”.
On the morning of day two April, who we haven’t seen at all this episode meaning she must be safe in the middle and thus getting no air time, talks about Andy’s look saying, “More Jackie Yo, than Jackie O.” Mondo also decides to wear short black shorts, a black and white tank, eye liner, black suspenders, and argyle knee socks.
Surprise Twist!!!
Because this show is too freaking long for its hour and a half time slot we need a twist to take up some time. Surprise, this is not a runway day, but another day to keep working on your looks. Oh, and you have to go back to Mood because the producers are making them make an outerwear piece to go with their look. Have fun! Everyone is freaking out until April (the 21 year old) wisely reminds everyone that outerwear doesn’t mean jacket. Light bulb goes off in Valerie’s head as she realizes since she has already made a jacket she can make a vest to go over it. (Every women’s favorite look, vest over jacket.)
Mood Round 2!!!
Christopher wants “something that looks like fur” and wow, he ends up with what he calls “leather” because faux fur is tacky looking, but he can’t say on national television that he is using fur, so leather it is. Then the cameramen give us a close up of Swatch, Mood's Boston Terrier, looking freaked out. Hehe.
Back at the Workroom!!!
OMG. Christopher didn’t realize that leather is thick and that he would have to hand stitch it, because why think about how you are going to have to actually sew the fabric you buy. Ivy is in love with this twist because she loves to make outerwear. Of course she loves making outerwear, she is a great seamstress. (Burn Nina, burn.) Back to Christopher, he wonders about the sex of his “leather” while giving the fur a haircut with scissors to make it less “nappy”. Oh, and Mondo is making a Harry Potter coat.
Tim Visit Round 2!!!
Gay Michael is still standing by his Crucible skirt. Tim says that Andy’s look is the most him he’s been all season. Great, Andy, the challenge is to update Jackie O and you are making her look like a Gay Asian designer from Hawaii. Oh, and she might have camel toe. “Jackie Kennedy would not have camel toe.” And then I almost choked on my popsicle.
January Jones is the guest judge. I guess because she is on a show that is set in the 1960’s??? I also feel like I should make a joke about how horrible she was hosting SNL, and will she be like that here on PR, but I can’t get it out.
Christopher: (Top) I don’t like this. The dress looks anemic with a dead animal around the models shoulders. The model also looks as bored with it as I am. Seriously the dress is that weird color that isn’t white. It isn’t silver or beige. It’s just weird and not good for any skin tone. Also, the “outerwear” (I use that term lightly as it is more skinned throw pillow than jacket or wrap) looks like one of my parent’s old Flokati rugs. Seriously he bitched about having to hand sew it, but he didn’t! He just wrapped it around her and pinned it. Then, as she is walking down the runway he calls it, “Fashion Forward”. Um, wasn’t the whole one shoulder thing like two seasons ago? The judges, however, love the dress, but hate the outerwear shrug thing. This means that there is some serious ugly in this group if Christopher made it into the top three with half of his outfit looking a mess.

April: Her model looks totally cracked out! You can’t tell where her hair stops and her jacket begins. This is another one of those black designs that is hard for me to see on my TV. Everything blends together and details get lost. I think I like it better with the jacket, but I also feel that I want to see April design something with more color. Someone give this woman some purple!

Ivy: (Top) I love the white top. I would wear that in a heartbeat. Again, black sucks on my TV and it is hard to see the details of the pants. I think they are a little too high waisted and Talbots for my taste, but I know this is fashion for size 0, 5’9 girls, so I’ll let it slide. The jacket seems well made, but is weird when the model closes it. Heidi is right, there is a weird boob hole and it looks over worked. Also, what women wants a see through trench jacket made out of organza that is usually used for bridesmaid dresses? See through isn’t too weird. I remember a few years back Burberry or Louis Vitton did a see through plastic trench with their signature fabric as the piping. (Okay, I tried to Google a picture and couldn’t find one and LSU Friend who works at Burberry, at least for another week, assured me it wasn’t them. So maybe I am making this up, but I swear I remember this coat in magazines.) But why make a trench that doesn’t either keep you kinda warm or kinda dry? I don’t get it. The judges love the top and pants and like the jacket for its architectural design. Damn, we get another week of Ivy…

Straight Michael: All I can think about when watching this dress come down the runway is the “ugly blue” sweater conversation in The Devil Wears Prada. It’s the scene where Anne Hathoway is still all homely and in those gross square, chunky shoes when she laughs at Meryl Streep picking out belts that to her untrained eye looks exactly the same. Streep then goes into a long monolog about how everything in the fashion world trickles down from her decisions in that very room, including the blue color of her discount sweeter. Therefore I’m wondering if Straight Michael found that fabric in the discount bin at Mood. Oh and a cocktail dress isn’t sportswear!

Gretchen: Chicka, can you please stop using the icky brown colors? I don’t think the proportions of this outfit are quite right. The skirt is too long to be paired with the really long brown cap/coat thing. It’s just really blah…

Gay Michael: (Loser) I feel bad for Gay Michael because I don’t hate this look at all. Yes, the skirt is still fitting a little weird, but it still kinda like it. Yes, I don’t think that Jackie O would wear the double layered tanks, but I like the double layered tanks. Yes, the jacket doesn’t really belong with the rest of the look, but I still like the jacket. The judges hate it. Michael Kors calls it “Old lady on top and cheerleader on the bottom”. Heidi and Nina agree that it is very “mall”, and they all say it is insulting to Jackie Kennedy. Sorry funny, Gay Michael you are out. Now I can call Straight Michael just Michael… this makes me kinda sad…

Valerie: (Bottom) Lately I feel like Valerie has tried and tried and just not really found the finish line to her ideas. I like the jacket under the vest. That sentence right there is what is wrong with this design. No one wears vests over jackets! Originally, she was going to make pants. It would have looked much better with skinny black pants, or maybe even jeans. The judges call her out for the black, stretch “cop out” skirt. Nina makes a good point when she says that every time Valerie wants to make a design statement she does so with pleating and zippers which, “that does not, a good design make”.

Andy: (Bottom) No woman wants to wear pants that look like elephant legs. No woman wants to wear pants that look like elephant legs and that give you a giant wedgy. The judges HATE this look. I mean sometimes they get upset and sometimes they are confused about looks the designers come up with, but they really seem to hate this one. Heidi feels like she is on a different planet, because on Earth there is no way someone would design those pants for Jackie O. January doesn’t see American sportswear. Duh, Mrs. Jones Andy was designing Asian pants. Michael calls the whole look, “MC Hammer meets the Beverly Hillbilly’s Grandma.”

Mondo: (Winner) I love Mondo’s crazy fabric combinations. I would wear every single piece he created and I love the purple lining of the jacket. The judges call him the clear winner and Michael Kors is lusting after the striped T-Shirt.

Next Time on Project Runway: There is a BIG prize for the winner, and some crazy announcement has Valerie crying in the bathroom and Tim shaking.
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