After I killed my post about humorous boxer shorts under see through track pants in Alabama, I came upon a really funny news story from New Hampshire I'd like to tell you about.
Meet Da Bear #1

He enjoys sleeping during the winter, having non "face to face" bear sex, and breaking into New Hampshire homes. He did the latter yesterday while a family was out (tapping mapple surup trees???). He strolled through an open backdoor, ate some pears and grapes, and was about to move on to the porridge and beds when he heard the garage door opening. Scared he turned to leave, but not before he saw this...
Meet Da Bear #2

Beer #1 did what any self respecting black bear would do and rescued the poor stuffed prisoner from the evil human family.
Human family watched the bear leave their back yard with Bear #2 held gingerly in his mouth.
And they lived happily ever after in bear world...
Such a cute story!