This past weekend I had Saturday Date Night with LSU Friend at the Draft House to view Bad Teacher and down some queso and pizza. The movie was funny, but not even Justin Timberlake not living up to my expectations as a nerdy substitute teacher can pull down Bad Ass Queso from the Draft House. After our intimate dinner and a movie, LSU Friend dragged me to WalMart across the street so she could stock up on snacks (does anyone else always type “snakes” instead of snacks? No? just me…) for her buddies birthday party the next day.
This WalMart is weird. It’s a Super WalMart, but isn’t smaller than any other regular WalMart I’ve ever been in. This means that you have the large food area, but then the rest of the store is smooched together with no rhyme or reason at all.
There was a random display of scented wax for making candles right next to the bathing suit cover ups and the Nursing Scrubs.
There was a large selection of Lemonade and other Crystal Light knock offs in the sewing aisle.
They had Big Business for sale on Blue Ray for 5$, but not on regular DVD. (Okay this isn’t an example of this particular store laid out in an odd way, but this just made me mad so I wanted to include it somewhere.)
Also, the rear wall of this WalMart (you know where the soda and dog food are stacked) wasn’t a real wall.
Oh and there was an awesome bike selling cheese in the deli!
But, alas… there was no chain.
Awesome find! Trick beer pong balls!
On Sunday, George Michael and I headed to a local dog park for an Austin Great Dane Meet Up. George Michael was a little over whelmed by all the large dogs and preferred to play with the non-Dane puppies in the park. However, I was able to trick him into being social with his own kind for a few minutes to get a few photos. It was so cool to see what I can only describe as a herd of Great Danes. They are so big! They are so pretty! They are so awkward! They are so not active! For the most part they stood around in small groups, just like the humans stood around in small groups. We, the humans, talked about how long we’ve had our Danes, where we got them, and funny stories about them. I’m sure they stood around chatting about favorite treats, those fucking pesky squirrels, and how wonderful a nap would feel right then.
I love that you take your dog to playdates. That is all.
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow he got big! He looks the sweetest also...Yeah for his play date!