Okay, trust me. I’m not trying to get all sentimental on y’all or anything, but sometimes I have to wonder.
10 years ago I moved to Germany
7 years ago I graduated High School
5 years ago I started dating Boyfriend
3 years ago nephew #1 (The Mouse) came into this world
2 years ago Boyfriend and I officially moved in together
3 months ago we picked up our 17lb Great Dane who now weights at least 65lbs
3 months ago my second adorable nephew (The Froggy) was born
1.5 months ago I start my new, amazing, awesome, fabulous job.
Oh, and as of today I’m a park of BlogHer! In case you haven’t noticed the changes…
Yesterday, Boyfriend and I played our first kickball game of the season. LSU Friend introduced me to her buddy Jen who is captain of the WAKA team “Power Bottoms” (don’t ask) and invited Boyfriend and myself to play. My kickball experience includes the following…
Recess and “Walk and Talk” kickball lover and player at Dare Elementary School 1994 - 1995
Boyfriend’s family annual Easter and Thanksgiving kickball game 2006 – Now
So, when I was asked if I wanted to share my ball kicking skills, of course I was all, “Heck yeah!”
Then, to my complete surprise, Boyfriend said he wanted to play as well.
We made it to our first game on time (amazingly), picked up our bright green tee-shirts, and poured our first beers. And, now you understand why I was super excited to play kickball.
1. I get a tee-shirt
2. Beer… and a lot of it
And because I seem to really like lists today, Here is what happened during the game...
Boyfriend made an out.
I kicked a base run.
Boyfriend played in flip flops while half the team was in cleats.
I drank a lot of beer and got bit my mosquitos.
We didn’t win
We didn’t lose
We tied
Go Power Bottoms!!!
Oh, and because I can’t stand not posting cute photos of George Michael.
It is like George Michael and Sandy Frances were separated at birth with that pose...you know the one! ha ha