Anyway, so that was last Sunday. I saw her again on Tuesday when I was craving Thai food and didn’t want to wait for Boyfriend to get home before stuffing my face in some Tom Yum. I then saw her again the next day, Wednesday, for Blues On The Green. I then saw her the next day, Thursday, for kickball. I’m not telling you this because I don’t like hanging out with my friend. I love LSU Friend, and I’m crazy grateful to even have her as a friend since I don’t that than many to begin with. I just don’t want y’all thinking that my blog has become Lemon Lady and LSU Friend’s Crazy Adventures (oh and there’s a little Boyfriend thrown in there just for kicks). Because, to be honest with you guys, that just might be the name of our reality show we will be pitching to the Travel Channel real soon.
All that being said, this post is about LSU Friend and me.
About a week ago, I was taking a bath with one of my awesome bath bombs from LUSH when Boyfriend came in and surprised me with two tickets to go see Chelsea Handler on Sunday (yesterday). Reason number 4,284,119 why I totally adore him. Reason number 4,284,120 why I love Boyfriend, he told me he really didn’t want to go (because what straight guy would) and I should take a friend.
This awesome gift from Boyfriend is what led me to hanging out again with LSU Friend last night. She picked up at 5:20 and we headed to 2nd Kitchen for cocktails and food before the big show. drinks, 2 hours, and some majorly amazing carbs later I looked down at my phone and saw that it was already 7:00. I knew finding a place to park would take a few minutes because of the last time we went to the Bass Concert Hall. That was a few months ago when LSU friend, Cupcake, and I saw West Side Story. When we finally pulled into a parking spot in the garage just down the street from the Bass it was 7:25 and the play started at 7:30. We raced as fast as we could in our heals to walk in the door just as they were flashing the lights for everyone to stop over paying for wine in the lobby and find their seats. We then had to hike up the SIX FLIGHTS OF STAIRS to the very top of the highest balcony because we bought the cheapest seats we could find. Just as we sat down the show started and for the opening act my mind jumped back and forth between, “OMG I think I’m going to have a heart attack – I should totally start doing my cardio” to “Wait, are they dance fighting? This is gayest thing I’ve ever seen… ever!”
Anyway… My point is, it’s 7:00 and we are so going to be late.
Me: “LSU Friend, you need to chug your wine. We’ve got to go!”
LSU Friend: “Dude, Lemon Lady, I’m not going to chug my glass of 10 dollar wine.”
Me: “Look, LSU Friend, I’m going to need you to woman up and throw that glass back. We need to get going.”
LSU Friend: (drinking as much as she can) “Ahg… Okay, lets head out.”
We successfully made it into the car without LSU Friend getting run over by a bus, and headed up Congress where we got stuck at every single red light!
LSU Friend: (pointing to things outside the car and looking around) “Look, why do you think she’s wearing scrubs?”
Me: “I don’t know. GREEN! GO!”
LSU Friend: “Do you think that guy is homeless or just hanging on a bench downtown looking a little… rough?”
Me: (never one not to judge) “Um, I think he’s just a grungy dude…. GREEN LIGHT!”
For those of y’all who don’t live in Austin and who didn’t go to the greatest college of all time, Bass Concert Hall is on the UT campus and right next to the Frank Erwin Center, which is our large concert/sport venue. So, we start getting close to Bass and we start seeing A LOT of people. Too many people to just being going to Chelsea Handler. Too many people, parking way too far out to just be going to just be going to Chelsea Hander. Not only were there a crap load of people, it seemed like… well… and interesting mix of folks. Like there was a woman who had to have been at least 45 in pleather pants, chunky platforms, and a sequined tank top with not bra. Then we stopped at a light behind a pickup with three guys in the bed on the truck. One of the guys wore dreadlocks (which is SO not weird in my town) but they were arranged in the most beautiful updo I had ever seen on a dude. I mean they were woven into one of those ballerina like buns that I can never seem to perfect and he was wearing this nice scarf around his head. Beautiful…
At this point I know we are going to be late. I know we are going to be “those girls” who arrive in the middle of the opening act and smelling like wine and liquor. But, LSU Friend and I were now super curious as to who this um… eclectic group of people were going to see at the Erwin Center. So, being my mother’s child and being egged on by LSU Friend, I roll down the window, plop my head out, and start waving at the people on the side walk.
Me: (waving my arms wildly): “Hey! Hey! Hey you people!!!”
Random Dude: (looking at me and point back at himself): “Me?”
Me: “Yeah, you’ll do. Yes, you!”
Random Dude: “What?”
Me: “Why are you here?”
Random Dude: “What?”
Random Dude: “Rush!”
That’s right readers… I was going to be late to Chelsea Handler because of the dudes that sing YYZ.
Okay and just for the record, I understand how bitchy this makes me sound. I understand how “that girl” this makes me sound. I DON’T CARE! I’m going to be late because of a Canadian Rock band that was formed in 60s! I’m going to be late because of a band had a Synthesizer Period in the 80s! I’m going to be late because of Mother F-ing Rush???
Oh, heck no!
I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t in a dress I would have gotten out of LSU Friend’s car and directed traffic myself to get us into the parking garage faster. Once we parked, I was out of her Accord and powerwalking to the concert hall as fast as I could. All while LSU Friend is moaning and whining about her legs being sore from some workout video she did on Friday.
Me: (pausing in the middle of the side walk): “Suck it up friend! We are going to be late!”
LSU Friend: “Wait, what?”
Me: “Late!”
LSU Friend: “What are you talking about? It doesn’t start until 8, nerd.”
Me: “7:30! It starts at 7:30, which was like 4 minutes ago.”
LSU Friend: “I’m pretty sure it starts at 8…”
Me: (pulling out the tickets) “It starts at seven thri… oh wait… okay you might be right.”
LSU Friend: “Is this why you made me chug a whole glass of red wine and almost mow down poor innocent rednecks and their mullets in front of the Erwin center?”
Me: “Um… maybe. I mean I would have sworn it started at 7:30.”
And then, instead of putting the tickets back in my purse, pausing to catch my breath, and calming walking to the theatre, I dropped the tickets (which were really just printed from the computer) and they started to blow away. FML
LSU Friend: “Holy crap! Get the tickets.”
Me: (running and trying to stomp on them) “They keep moving! Help! Help!”
LSU Friend: “Quick! Quick!”
Me: “Why do they hate me? Come back tickets! Come back!”
So please just close your eyes and picture this. Two women in their late 20s running down the street screaming for pieces of paper to “not hate them” and “come back to your home, why do you hate your home”. And here’s the thing, sometimes people drop things, and I’m sure I’m not the only person that has ever dropped important papers to have them start blowing away, but it’s just another one of those things that would happen to me. Like every other group of girls that attended that show were all perfectly poised, had on perfect outfits and perfect heals, and were all standing outside the concert hall talking about their perfect lives… and then there is us, LSU Friend and me running wildly down the street chasing our hopes and dreams of seeing Chelsea Hander, hair going everywhere, already sweaty from power walking from the car… I mean the whole scenario just sums up my life.
But the show was AWESOME!
And now some fun videos and photos
In case you didn’t get the “SAIL” joke from earlier...
And here’s some Rush for your lovely Monday…
LSU Friend and I before the ticket chasing…
Oh and last night, after the show, Boyfriend and I dressed up the dog in Boyfriend’s company’s sweatshirt. Isn’t he adorable?
ReplyDeleteSo GM the new mascot?! It also looks like you guys are drinking Oprah's Moscow Mule's in the copper cups. Yum!