Now, everyone else let’s analyze her answers…
1. Besides Germany where else have you lived?
"Nebraska, Mississippi, Florida, Las Vegas, The Azores, Iceland, Germany, Nebraska, Virginia."
Nebraska: Never been but Caliman is from Nebraska and he’s pretty cool. Plus 2
Mississippi: I cannot be okay with A spending time in a state that is so close to Alabama. Minus 1
Florida: I like the sun and beaches and alligators. Plus 1
Las Vegas: Gambling… fun. Living in Vegas before you’re 21… not fun. Minus 3
The Azores: When I first read her answer of The Azores I immediately ran to the bathroom to check out my map of the world shower curtain and properly locate The Azores. Here they are.

Iceland: I would love to visit, but I would not love to live there. Draw
Germany: She met me! She was annoyed my me… Plus 2 anyway for Germany being awesome
Nebraska: Ick, why move back? Caliman is still from there, though. Plus 1 but no more for Nebraska
Virginia: History, Crab, and DC… Plus 1
Ending with 8 awesome points!
2. If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why? (Bonus points for knowing what movie the question is from.)
“Don’t know of the top of my head (Do share E!), and I think a magnolia, I love the beautiful flowers, or a weeping willow with Spanish moss hanging from it. Very southern, and I wish I would have been born southern, like 1800’s big beautiful dresses, ice teas on porches southern.”
Okay, so A doesn’t know the movie. (Minus 3) The question is from Drop Dead Gorgeous. It’s a mocumentary about The Mount Rose American Beauty Pageant in Mount Rose, Minnesota. It stars Kirsten Dunst, Kristie Alley, and Denise Richards and is FUCKING FUNNY!!! The question comes from the interview part of the pageant where all the contestants are asked that question except Kristen Dunst. She is being sabotaged by Kristie Alley and Denise Richards and is asked to name and spell all the states in alphabetical order instead.
As for A’s answers of either being a Weeping Willow or a Magnolia tree I give a solid Plus 2 for picking pretty trees.
3. Quick name your future children in 10 seconds or less!
“Boy, Jackson Thomas, girl, London Ann.”
Jackson is my nephew’s name but I knew a mean kid in 2nd grade named Thomas. Minus 1
London is my favorite city, and I like old fashion names like Ann. Plus 1 (would have been more if she spelled Ann with an E)
4. Deaf for the rest of your life or Blind? Which would you pick?
“Deaf, I get annoyed by stupid people and I would notice how stupid people are way less if I was deaf.”
The perfect answer. Plus 5
5. Do you think Tom Cruise has a middle tooth?
“I think Tom Cruise is part alien, so yes, he may very well have a middle tooth”
A is kinda beating around the bush here. The answer is yes. Check it out.

Scenario and multiple choice questions next.
1. If you are traveling through life at a normal speed and then all of a sudden you reconnect with someone from your past (let’s call her Gertrude) and she turns out to be your long lost best friend, how long will it take you to get to Austin to hang out?
“Hope for more overtime for me, the visit will come faster that way. Know I am working on it. Soon, sooner if Sandra Bullock gets the same breakfast tacos as you, I think she would make a great big sister/mentor for us. I'm not sure if you like her, but I have a girl crush on her.”
Hoping for overtime – Minus 3
Knowing that she is working on it – Plus 1
A wanting Sandra Bullock to eat my breakfast tacos – Minus 5 (No one eats my breakfast tacos!)
A wanting Sandra Bullock to be my mentor – Minus 10 (And no I won’t watch the Blindside with you A)
A having a girl crush on Sandra Bullock – Plus 1 (I fully support love and crushes no matter on who… okay maybe not Hitler, but you get the idea.)
2. “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both…” When you read these words do you think
A. Robert Frost I remember him from 9th grade.
B. Robert Frost, but not his best work.
C. That’s Robert Frost! That idiot I used to date passed that off as his own work!
D. I fucking hate Robert Frost.
“C, like I said, DOUCHE”
Wow, A really doesn’t like her Ex and she calls him a Douche, but who am I to judge. Anyone who knows Ex-Boyfriend… yeah, I’m in no place to judge. Plus 1
3. In first grade you thought…
A. Boys are icky
B. Boys are cute
C. Girls are cute
D. Girls throw you in the big bathroom stalls
“B, his name was Wesley, I invented a game called chase Wesley. It involved chasing the cute blond hair, blue eyed boy and trying to kiss him. If you are reading this Wesley, I am very sorry. And I still love blond hair and blue eyes.”
A, I completely understand. My Wesley was named Lee, and we put stickers on the sticker chart for our teacher after school. And I was totally head over heels in love with his blond hair. Plus 5
4. If your friend called you in the middle of the night letting you know that she and 20 other people were in the middle of a field about to sacrifice a baby lamb as part of a cult ritual that was very important to them, but she forgot her lamb killing knife at her house, you would go break into her house and bring her the knife?
“Chances are I would already be in the field with friend, and would have made sure we had everything needed for weird cult (I am weirdly organized in projects and work, but not my house. Working on making new house better.) If I wasn't there, I would get it, and feel really hurt and left out, and of course, creeped out and expecting to be invited over to friend's house for a lamb dinner.”
Great answer A. Really, better that I probably would have answered. I was expecting a “yeah sure I’d run over to help you even if you had to brutally murder a poor innocent little lamb”, but you totally one upped my answer by instating that duh, you’d be there with me. Then I got to thinking, “yeah, that’s right.” “If she really is my friend, she would be there with me” Even more awesome is that you are prepared because I am not. Just ask my parents… When I go down to visit them I always forget something! It never fails. And you like to cook. A lamb stew making friend is a good friend to have. Plus 5
Ending with positive 10 points!
Congrats A!
Thanks for the response E! I’ll try to respond in order-
ReplyDeleteMississippi-only lived there for a few months while my dad finished up school, plus, I was like a year old. Vegas was cool as a kid, my bf’s dad was a head chef at a casino, so we had full run of the kitchen area and got to boss the staff around. The island I lived on in the Azores was like 15 miles all the way around the perimeter, I was in 4-6th grade, every awkward for me. 1 tv channel, very windy, and while the water is there, no beaches, just cliffs. Tease. Plus, no hurricanes the whole time I lived in FL, but one did get us on the island. Hands down, most exciting time while I was there. Iceland-good call. Visit-great, live-cold and windy. Nebraska- Only moved because I got a scholarship for my ACT scores, and I was paying for my own college. Dad said I would hate it, and I was all, “Dad, I can do anything for 4 years.” Dad was right, I left after 2. Nebraska blows. Virginia is pretty cool, I love going into D.C. I love history, one of the many ways I’m a little nerdy.
Ok, I have seen the movie, but I think it was only once, while in college, and large amounts of cheap vodka were involved, hence the not remembering the line. Bad vodka, bad.
Kid’s names- bf’s middle name is Thomas, and his dad’s name is Thomas, and he was called JT as a kid, and really liked it. I like that Jackson is not common, but not really weird, like Apple. And I love that my name is unusual. London-awesome city, you must watch movie with Jessica Biel called London. Will not tell girl this is where the idea for her name came, will claim it was awesome city. My middle name is Ann, with no e, so that is where that’s from. Hope to redeem that point, as I did not pick my name. Ok, didn’t lose point, but maybe I can earn an extra? We will see, very tough judge. But not unfair and cheating, a la Drop Dead Gorgeous. (We can rent it when I come to Austin E.) I mean, the town motto is something like ‘Don’t take the weird out of Austin” How can you not love that? Impossible.
I am working on coming to Austin, but you do know that you can come here right? Esp. since I have a new big house. Just saying.
Of COURSE Sandra wouldn’t eat your tacos (or mine)! That is just criminal, and she may lose a finger. But she can be buying her own tacos, and possibly paying for ours at one of your fave places. I have lots of girl crushes, and love that you respect them. And I respect her not being one of yours. It may be better that way, so we don’t have to fight for her attention.
Besides that ex (who I got right on first guess), having a pineapple shaped head, he was mean to my brothers, rude to my friends, and made me feel like I wasn’t really good enough for him. Like he was doing me a favor since I wasn’t pretty/popular/rich enough. I stand by the douche comment. (And have MUCH better judgment, bf rocks!)
And I can figure out how to make lamb stew and I will bake homemade bread, plus dessert, if you bring wine. Large amounts of wine. You know, for cooking, certainly not drinking.
And I love that you have a world map shower curtian. Vactation plan as you shower? Multitasking at it's finest.