Okay, so I’ll be honest with y’all, the Globes were happening live while I was driving home very hungover from Baton Rouge. Boyfriend was great and DVR’ed them for me because I completely 100% forgot that they were that weekend. This means I didn’t really watch the Globes in their entirety, but fast forwarded a whole lot, saw the winners, deleted the recording, and called it a day. I didn’t even get to hear all the widely inappropriate jokes Ricky Grevais spouted out all night. However, I did notice the dresses and every since Sunday I’ve been looking at them all over the internet. Some grew on me and others will always be ugly. Here are my thoughts on the good, the bad, and the “what the hell was she thinking?!?!”
First up, the good…
Best Dressed of the Night… Hailee Stienfeld

Yes, she is 15 and can’t drive a car or get into a rated R movie. I don’t care. She looks 100% perfect. The dress is elegant, fitted well, and is totally appropriate for a 15 year old. She’s not showing off her boobies and her hair isn’t up done up like a Stepford Wife. She isn’t wearing 4 million dollars worth of jewelry. I love her turquoise clutch as a little pop of color. This is how young Hollywood should dress. Up and coming Disney stars, please take notes.
Best Color… Mila Kunis

First things first, could Mia Kunis be anymore gorgeous? I don’t think so. Ever since That 70’s Show I’ve been waiting for her to be in a fabulous movie, just to see what she would wear on the red carpet. Out of all the green dresses we saw on Sunday night, Mila’s was the best. The emerald is perfect on her skin and it fits beautifully. The only thing I would have changed… a little bolder jewelry and maybe a brighter pink lip.
Best New Comer to the Red Carpet… Emma Stone

Okay, I get that she’s been in other movies. Superbad, anyone? But these Globes being her first, she looks great. I love the minimalist look of the dress and even thought I love Emma as a red head, I love the whole “peaches and cream” look with her blonde hair. Thank you Emma for wearing something different and pulling it off, even if you look like Kate Bosworth's twin.
Best “Inside Baby” Dress… Natalie Portman

This dress has been a little controversial on the net. People have seemed to either love it or hate it. Personally I love the dress. It’s cute and playful and again something different. Yeah, she could have just worn a Greek Goddess dress in navy, but she didn’t. I love pink and red together and yes, I love the rose. The necklace is elegant and simple and not competing with the rose (which any jewelry could easily do). The only thing I would change, and yes I know I’m nit picking now, is the bag. I think it’s a little to matchy-matchy with the red rose and red shoes (which are awesome). I think silver would have been a better choice.
Sexiest Man… Kevin McHale

I adore with kid! Well… boy… man… 23 year old. I loved him at the Emmy’s last year and I love him here. The jacket is fun and matches the fun show he is on. I mean he’s not nominated for the TV singer version of Schindler’s List. Why not have some fun. His glasses are downright sexy and even Kyra Sedgwick is licking her lips over him in the background. Keep it up Artie! Love, your biggest fan… Lemon Lady
Best Dressed Couple Channeling Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger… Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon

Y’all remember this…

Well here is the 2011 version and I still love it. Yellow is a weakness color for me. Anyone who wears it and pulls it off is automatically a favorite of mine. Anyone who wears it with chunky, awesome gold and turquoise jewelry is even better. Plus, I love those new Kevin Bacon commercials where Kevin Bacon is pretending to be such a Kevin Bacon fan that he turned into Kevin Bacon… so funny.
Dress I’d Most Like to Wear… Amber Riley

It’s awesome. She looks awesome. I want to rip it off her body and wear to the grocery store because if I owned a dress like that I would wear it EVERYWHERE!
And the bad…
Most Boring and Blah… Amy Adams

I know I might take some slack for this, but I did not like Amy Adam’s dress on Sunday. I thought it was dull and boring and even more boring the more I look at is and try to dissect it. I will admit she looks great and has lost the baby weight. Congrats. Other than that I really don’t have anything nice to say. The color is dull. It’s not a rich navy or a deep royal blue but some “yawn like” in between blue. Plus the fabric that makes up the detail up top looks like formal living room curtains. There is a fan of formal living room curtains coming out of her hips. No bueno.
Ugliest Medieval Dress… Anne Hathaway

This looks like chainmail. Like really ugly, gold spray painted chainmail. Or really ugly, gold spray painted back splash kitchen tile. I can’t make up my mind.
Dress Most Likely to Get Kicked Off Project Runway… Elizabeth Moss

Bad. Really bad. It is over worked and doesn’t fit. It’s one of those Project Runway dresses where the designer thinks it looks amazing and fabulous and all the other contestants know it’s God awful and ill fitting but they don’t tell that designer and instead let him sink him/herself on the runway. Yeah, one of those…
Worst Barbie… January Jones

She looks like Graduation Tassel Barbie… complete with plastic tatas. Not a good look.
Most Confused… Jennifer Love Hewitt

Now I know it’s just mean to make fun of JLH. You know she wakes up every morning and looks at herself in the mirror and repeats the same mantra over and over again, “I did not peak in 1998. I did not peak in 1998. I did not peak…” This dress is half “I’m so desperate to married”, half I kinda look a giant clam, and half “am I and investment banker, because I seem to be carrying a giant white briefcase as a purse on the red carpet”.
Dress That Ate 13… Olivia Wilde

Nom Nom Nom Nom…
Worst Printed Burlap Bag Dress… Michelle Williams

There are good ways to do prints on the red carpet. Y’all remember Kate Hudson at the Golden Globes 7 years ago.

Gorgeous! Michelle Williams… not so much. It seriously looks like a brown canvas bag with ironed on daisies. The flower straps remind me of the sunflower craze in the 1990s. And not cool “oh Marc Jacobs trying to bring grunge back in the slouchy corduroy pant” way, but bad “I wore a dress with sunflowers on the straps to my cousin’s wedding in Oklahoma” way. Seriously all she is missing is the floppy Blossom hat.
Worst of the Night… Julianna Margulies

Something must have happened. Something bad because I know Julianna wouldn’t show up to the Golden Globes with her hair thrown up off her face, no lipstick, wearing black Spanx with a pink sheet tied at her waist, and really ugly pointed black bridesmaid’s shoes if something hadn’t gone wrong.
Finally, what y’all have all been waiting for...
The “What the Hell was she thinking” Dress… Halle Berry

Check out the Best and Worst hair and makeup from Sunday at
A Dash of Perspective and say hi to New Friend A while your at it.
I agreee with your verdicts...except I LOVE Olivia Wilde'S dress. I would wear it everywhere if I had it. And I thought Natalie's was perfection. Jennifer Love...wtf was she thinking? I hope she didn't eat anything all night, because you know the boob shelf would have a million crumbs in it. And thanks for the shout out Lemon
ReplyDeleteI don't disagree with anything you said...except that I did not like Brangelina's look either...he needs to shave...again and even though she is my age, she looks 15 years older than me!
ReplyDeleteyou know, i saved the photo to use brangelina's look, but just never ended up writing about it. i think im just really over them. brad did need to shave and angie looked like she was wearing a mother of the bride dress from the late 70s... so boring...
ReplyDeleteI know right. I just pine for the Legends of the Fall days when he was handsome and yummy. Now he has baggage in the way of kids and a beard! oh well.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Williams had a cute dress, just TOTAL wrong occasion. I mean...what? GOLDEN Globes. Did she not get the memo?
ReplyDeleteNot to mention, those are a West Coast Award and that's an East Coast dress. (Yes, it matters.)
Either way, it's "casual". Silly. But, very her.
January Jones is some sort of cyber bot. She scares me. And since this is the kick off. I will be scared of her for the whole season. GJ January Jones!
And, ahaha...Anne Hatheway...all I can figure is that she is channeling her inner-catwoman for the upcoming Batman movie (The Dark Knight Rises?).
As for Halle...I mean, uh. I don't know. It looks worse in still prints? If the dress/skirt/"whatever" didn't have that GIANT slit all the way up to no where land, it would be a lot better. But, yeah. I get the "I'm back, I'm hot, come see me" deal. But, dear God, woman. NO. :( But, she's still Halle. SO, she gets a mulligan.