However, today I would like to write not about my crappy Monday blog post, but what happened Monday night. I have already written one great post about going over to Caliman’s house for poker and Boyfriend lying to a random girl that walked into the house completely uninvited. (Check it out here.) But this happened before we even started to play.
First of all though I need to talk about teachers…
I have known for a long time that I will never be a teacher. If I think about all the teachers I’ve ever had, I have had good teachers and bad teachers. Not to be simple or anything, but honest to God that’s the truth. Teachers fall into either one of the categories. There are no in between teachers, no teachers that fall right smack in the middle, because in my opinion if the teacher isn’t “good” then they shouldn’t be teaching in the first place, thus pushing them into the category of “bad”. If a teacher can’t rise to the challenge of not being mediocre, then they are just bad.
I’ve have good and bad teachers. I’ve had teachers take time out of their lives to help me, guide me, and ultimately make me a better person. Then there are the bad teachers. I’ve had the “I still want to be in high school and have all the boys think I’m cute” government teacher, the “I hate children and like to eat really stinky cheese for lunch and then talk right in their faces” math teacher, and the “Lemon Lady really got the extra credit problem right, but I’m going to say she didn’t” math teacher (yeah, I will never forgive you evil, evil geometry teacher).
The reason I know I never want to be a teacher, is I really don’t think I would fall into the “good” teacher bucket. I think I would try, and I think I would kid myself to believing I was, but in all reality deep down I would know that I’m really a bad teacher. Out of all the teachers and professors I’ve ever had probably only 25% were good… I don’t like those odds…
Therefore it takes a very special person to be a teacher. More so, it takes a very, very special teacher to be an elementary school teacher. Out of all the people I know who have become teachers, the one person who I think honest to God, hands down is a great teacher is Caliman’s girlfriend, Shay. Shay loves love kids, she loves listening to kids, she loves teaching kids, she loves helping kids, and she loves playing with kids… I don’t like kids, but even I can’t help but smile and laugh when she talks about teaching. She graduated last May and this school year she has been substitute teaching in local elementary schools.
By the way, the reason I started writing this blog post has nothing to do with teaching.
It has everything to do with elementary school teachers having the greatest arts and crafts ideas EVER!!!
Monday night, Boyfriend and I picked up some yummy take out (bacon wrapped shrimps and crawfish eggrolls) and headed over to Caliman and Shay’s personal residence. As we pulled up, Boyfriend and I noticed that everyone who was there to play poker (Caliman, Shay, Ted, and Joe) were all in the Garage with their heads down over the Foosball table, yet no one was actually playing Foosball.
Like this… (Sorry bad iPhone photos)
Shay, in all of her “awesome teacher creative glory” had wondered out loud why Caliman hadn’t ever given his favorite Foosball players real individual personalities. Then she brought out her super awesome basket of glory (AKA the Sharpie tub) and we all went to town.
Here’s how it turned out…
Completely unrelated news...
The new season of Top Chef starts tonight on Bravo at 9PM (central) and I will be writing recaps of it (it's all star season!!!) for the blog TV Guide Hunters. Don't forget to check them out!!!
ReplyDelete2. Good call on leaving some things about bf alone, I don't think any woman will fully understand men, and this is necessary for the survival of the human race. I don't attempt to understand my bf completely; it's a big part of why we are still together.
3. Bf's friend owned a bar when we first met; everyone called him Norm like from cheers. UM, bf is a postman, and Cliff was the postman on Cheers, but no one listened to me. FYI-Bf in no way resembles ANYONE from Cheers. Some friends still call him Norm, and it secretly drives me crazy, although I'm not sure why.
3. Foosball dude does look like Hitler. You guys catch him making speeches to other players, remove him right away. Or half the table will be tortured.
4. I was getting ready to text you about when Top Chef started when I saw your note. You rock Lemon Lady. The central time did throw me off, but that was because I stopped reading after I saw 9 and just started setting up dvr. My bad, it's all fixed now.
The one that looks like Hitler could also be a French movie director (note: beret and ridiculously small sunglasses that don't really shield your eyes from any sunlight and only serve to make you look even more ridiculous)