Thursday, December 2, 2010

Top Chef ALL STARS: "Cheftestants" Odds To Win and Who I Want To Go First...

Top Chef ALL STARS!!! Omg!!! How freaking excited was I???

(If you are here looking for my recap, please click here. It should be up sometime tonight...)

Although I am recapping for another blog, I still have to do something for the big premier of Season 8, All Stars. So I thought I’d do a little bio on each chef and their odds of winning… Here goes…

Tiffany Faison (Season 1): Tiffany lost in the finale to Harold, but Tom Colicchio has come out and said that her artichoke risotto was hands down one of the best dished in Top Chef History. She really fudged up the finale when she decided to a “duo” of everything, instead of concentrating on one really good dish for each plate. Oh, and she was totally known as “the bitch” of that season. AKA White Tiffany. Odds to win 5:1

Stephen Asprinio (Season 1): Steven will always be known as “Top Sommelier” but never top chef. He dresses impeccably and favors colorful ties with very large knots. (Check out his matching “bed saving” umbrellas in All Stars episode 1) Harold, who won Season 1, always got annoyed with Steven for cooking “danty, girly food” and making his plates look like art and something you would hang on a museum wall and not food. He was kicked off for spending too much time in the front of the house during Restaurant Wars. 45:1

Elia Abomrad (Season 2): Elia was only 23 and made it all the way to the finale, but lost along side Marcel to Ilan. Also, she seemed to go a little crazy towards the end of the competition and even shaved her head when the remaining boys thought she wouldn’t. Odds to win 15:1

Marcel Vigneron (Season 2): Everyone hated Marcel, but whatever you thought of him the kid could cook and was creative as hell. (Even if he was kinda ripping off Wylie Dufresne…) Also, I hope all y’all remember his rapping skill which he show cased on the roof top of the hotel to get away from the other “cheftestants”. Odds to win 7:1

Casey Thompson (Season 3): Casey was the sweet girl from Fort Worth who just couldn’t get it together in the finale and lost to Huyng. Later during Season 5, she came back to help finalist Carla on her last meal and some say she took over the meal and is the reason Carla lost. Odds to win 7:1

Tre Wilcox (Season 3): Tre being kicked off during Restaurant Wars has been called the “biggest upset in Top Chef History”. Odds to win 8:1

Dale Levitski (Season 3): Before Dale started on season 3, he had not been cooking for like a year, so he started out a little rough, but quickly rose to the top and lost to Huyng in the finale. He was known for always having five to many ingredients on his plates. AKA White Dale. Odds to win 10:1

Richard Blais (Seaons 4): Richard loves molecular gastronomy and banana scallops (making them three times during his season). He was the first and only person to admit to the judges during the finale that he choked. He lost to Top Chef’s 1st female winner, Stephanie Izard. Odds to win 3:1

Antonia Lofaso (Seaons 5): Antonia was very much a “sleeper” of Season 5 until she hit a hot streak and made it all the way to the finale in Puerto Rico. She made a lot of Italian food and get ready to hear lots of stories about her daughter. Odds to win 30:1

Spike Mendelsohn (Seaons 4): Always in a damn fedora, Spike talked his way through many challenges. He was called “sneaky” and “cocky” and a “fucking bastard”, but the man can cook and worm his way through eliminations. Odds to win 45:1

Dale Talde (Seaons 4): AKA Asian Dale. AKA Huyng take 2. Dale was good, but not good enough to serve butterscotch scallops Tony Bourdain and live to tell the tale. He was kinda a dick in the kitchen and everyone seemed relieved when he was kicked off after Restaurant Wars. Odds to win 10:1

Carla Hall (Season 5): Hootie Hoo! Carla sings and yells random adorable nicknames of her husband out in the kitchen and became a huge threat and fan favorite towards the end of her season. She lost in the finale when she strayed away from her classical French techniques and training. Odds to win 15:1

Jamie Lauren (Season 5): Defiantly the coolest lesbian on the show (my personal opinion), even straight as a board European Stefan had a huge crush on her. Known for being the queen of “Top Scallop”, she went home after the Le Bernardin challenge because she thought his food was boring and nothing new and exciting. Odds to win 13:1

Fabio Vivani (Season 5): The Italian charmer (and one half of the European threat that season) I believe he was kept on the show longer that he should because of his charm and accent. He made it to the top five and then the producers brought him back to be a judge during the finale because audiences loved him. Odds to win 45:1

Mike Isabella (Season 6): Mike was known to for two things. One, hating on everyone (especially cancer survivor Robin – although she was annoying as Hell). Two, sneaking along unnoticed because that season had much more talented chefs than himself. Odds to win 50:1

Jennifer Carol (Season 6): Jennifer has the female authority in the kitchen that Tiffany (Season 1) always tried to get but it just came off as bitchy. Jennifer was strong from the get go, but when she messed up the pressure to get back to the top was really hard for her to overcome. Odds to win 5:1

Tiffany Derry (Season 7): She was half of the Best Friends Forever team between her and Ed. A very sweet girl and a fan favorite, she lost right before the finale. Odds to win 35:1

Angelo Sosa (Season 7): Hands down the creepiest chef in the show’s history. He was always very cocky and made it all the way to the finale before getting very ill and not winning. Oh, and he has a son he always talks about and a mail order Russian girlfriend he only sometimes talks about. Odds to win 7:1

My Personal Favorites Who I Want To See On Top…
Tiffany Faison (White Tiffany)
Richard Blais
Jennifer Carol
Marcel Vigneron
Casey Thompson

Predictions To Leave Early…
Antonia Lofaso
Spike Mendelsohn
Fabio Vivani
Mike Isabella
Tiffany Derry (Black Tiffany)


  1. Somehow, I pretty much agree with all of this. Especially about Angelo being a creepy SOB. I am rooting for Richard and Tre ... I absolutely loved the Miami season :)

  2. Just an FYI about Spike. BF and I went to his burger restaurant in DC. Could not have been more disappointed. The burgers were on the small side (price wasn't though), they were pretty bland and we even each got fancy should have had tons of flavor burgers. I could eat cheeseburgers 4 nights a week and be perfectly happy, but I will never ever again eat his burgers. The toasted marshmallow milk shake was wonderful though. We saw Spike 2 tables away from us, but didn't say anything bc I felt telling him his food sucked would be rude. I'm still pissed I wasted a dinner in DC on a crappy burger. Boo Spike, you owe me a dinner
