Monday, July 2, 2012

I am not Mexican... Or Israeli... Or Greek...

Let's get personal.

This is me.

My name is Elaine Haygood and I'm white. I say this because my heritage seems to come up this time of the year in conversation a lot. I hear it all this time. The same questions, the same comments.

This is my sister.

Yes, my biological sister.

Here's the thing. I tan really easily, but even I can look at these photos and think the same thing. "How are these two people related?" My background is English Scottish and English French. No, I'm not Mexican. No, I am not Italian. No, I am not Iranian or Syrian or Middle Eastern of any kind. I don't say this because I have anything against being Panamanian or Israeli. I say this because people find it so crazy that I'm not some kind of "tan people".

When I was in college I took so many Jewish Studies classes that I could have minored in it. (Yes, I know this is weird. Take a look at some of my old blog posts.) In every class every professor and Jewish kid thought I was from Israel. Like not one or two - everyone. Then I would let them know that I was actual and Episcopalian English girl but hey, I would get down with a Mazel Tof or two... and they would smile a nervous, weird, "wow you're awkward" smile and walk away.

When my parents lived in Miami everyone thought I was Ecuadorian. Not Columbian. Not Cuban. Not Argentinian. Only Ecuadorian. I would walk into restaurants and shops and everyone would start speaking to me in Spanish. This isn't too crazy since no one in Miami speaks English, but it's weird when after you tell people that you don't speak Spanish they immediately look at you and say, "but you're Ecuadorian, right?" Again, not once or twice BUT ALL THE TIME!

I made the mistake of telling my old roommates, Lyndsey (Davis Girl) and Matt, that I was conceived in Greece. This is a true story. My parents and sister were living in Athens when... well you know my mom and dad really loved each other and they realized they could make an even more perfect version of my sister... so I came to be. When my sister was born she had blue eyes and blonde hair. I was the complete opposite. I came out with red skin and over an inch of black hair. My roommates took this as my mother had a little tryst with some Greek man before moving to England where I was born. I don't think I'll ever live my "Greek" heritage down with them.

I have olive skin. I tan really easily. End of Story.

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