You’re Welcome.
You know what else is funny. When my dog falls asleep with his teeth hanging out his mouth.
You’re Welcome.
You know is not so awesome... your giant dog learning how to get up on your bed that you don't allow him on. Actually it's even less awesome when he wakes you and your boyfriend up at 7 in the morning to let him out and feed him so you then take your sleepy ass to the futon to fight for space with your boyfriend and watch some DVRed soccer only to realize 2 hours later that you can't find your dog so you drag yourself back into your bedroom to find him laying in the middle of you bed.
But, he is really cute so You're Welcome.
Back to awesome, my coworker was reading this book at work. Evidently she went to Barnes and Nobles and asked for an equestrian novel. (She used to ride for the Kansas St. Equestrian Team.) They didn't have anything at the store so the order it for her. She had no idea what she was getting herself into until she opened the B&N box that came in the mail a few days later.
You're Welcome
It would seem appropriate that I snap a picture as my them all in no particular order...okay, maybe GM's teeth!