As promised at the end of my slightly depressing post yesterday, today I want to talk about my sister and her two boys.
I spent 3 days up in the Dallas area with them last week and although it wasn’t the stress free, relaxing vacation I had planned (due to some family issues) I still had a ton of fun. That being said, I DON’T KNOW HOW MY SISTER DOESN’T GO CRAZY!!!
I have two nephews. The Mouse is will be three in June and Froggy is almost one month. Oh, and those are her nicknames not mine.
Froggy is adorable and cute, but honestly that’s all I can say right now. I mean he really isn’t even a person yet. He’s just this little sweet guy that curls up on your chest and gets angry if he is hungry and you don’t have boobs with milk for him to latch on to. I mean for all I know he could grow up to be a little jerk or worse… a hipster. Now, am I saying I think my new nephew is an A-Hole, of course I’m not. My sister and my brother in law are great people and good parents and I know they will do everything they can to mold their children in to delightful, model citizens. I am just saying that no matter how cute he is now… you just never know…
The Mouse is almost 3 and AWESOME. Awesome in a “I’m two and a half and I know I’m cute so when I’m a little snot you just need to deal with it because I’ll be awesome again real soon” way. I’ve written on this blog before about how I think that one of the reasons I don’t want kids is that I was never around children when I was growing up. After spending a few days with The Mouse part of me was absolutely exhausted and the other part of me was completely enthralled and very curious about why he is the way he is and why he does what he does. Seriously put ten two and a half year olds in a padded room with a few toys or Thomas The Train on the TV and I’ll happily watch them. Watch them like study them, not watch them like babysit them. Please, I DON’T babysit.
What amazes me the most is mood swings. It’s like the child is freaking bi-polar. Actually I take that back, maybe it’s just everyone that has been diagnosed as bi-polar are really just regressing back to a toddler state of mind. One minute The Mouse is chilling watching a Disney movie and the next minute he is crying and acting like his mom took away his favorite pink bear and made him watch it burn in the fireplace, he can never ever have milk again, and Dora the Bilingual and Totally Obnoxious Explorer (who for some reason is always surprised when that dumb fox in a mask shows up to steel something) will never be on TV again and also, she killed the family dog. Literally, it’s like one minute he’s happy as a clam and the next minute he realized he is a clam from Louis Carol’s Walrus and the Carpenter and he’s about to be eaten and oh crap his life is over because… HE HAS TO PUSH HIS CHAIR UP SO IT IS STANDING CORRECTLY!!! Or maybe because… HE HAS TO EAT HALF A BANANA BEFORE WE CAN GO TO THE PARK!!! I watched his little brain decide that crying and standing in time out and getting yelled at by his mother was easier and a better decision than taking 2.6 second out of his busy day of drinking milk, being read stories to, and building airplanes with fat Legos to stand a chair up. I’ve been reassured by my sister and by my mother that he isn’t really that idiotic and dumb, but just a two year old. I trust them right now, but I hope to see improvements when he turns three.
Okay, I just reread those last two paragraphs and let me restate that I do love my nephews unconditionally… I just hope they don’t become jerks and I hope they get smarter. There’s nothing wrong with that, right?
BTW, my sister has a great blog called The Froggy & The Mouse... check it out.
they get smarter. unfortunately. I have a 5 year old and an almost 3 year old. Its not necessarily easier now, but it sure is different... I mean, somethings are way easier. Like leaving the house. But other things- like childproofing the house when the kid can figure out all the childproofing thingys, are not.